1. 15 November, 2024
    Completed «Achieving RED III Compliance: Industry Pathways to RFNBO Adoption»
  2. 7 November, 2024
    Webinar “Achieving RED III Compliance: Industry Pathways to RFNBO Adoption”
  3. 3 October, 2024
    Confirmation of details of beneficial owners in the Register of Beneficial Owners
  4. 14 September, 2024
    The grant scheme for the Circular Economy in SMEs is extended
  5. 30 August, 2024
    Meeting of OEB with the Cyprus Women Bi-communal Coalition (CWBC)
  6. 30 October, 2023
    OEB Circular: CHANGE in the increase of contributions rates to the Social Insurance Fund effective from 1/1/2024
  7. 5 May, 2023
    Announcement of the 17th OEB Cyprus Innovation Award Competition
  8. 28 April, 2023
    Returning to work after Long COVID Syndrome – Advice and Recommendations for Employees, Employers and Organisations
  9. 21 February, 2023
    Meeting of OEB’s leadership with the newly elected President of the Republic
  10. 21 February, 2023
    OEB leadership honored the President of the Republic Mr. Nicos Anastassiades
  11. 15 November, 2024
    Completed «Achieving RED III Compliance: Industry Pathways to RFNBO Adoption»
  12. 7 November, 2024
    Webinar “Achieving RED III Compliance: Industry Pathways to RFNBO Adoption”
  13. 3 October, 2024
    Confirmation of details of beneficial owners in the Register of Beneficial Owners
  14. 14 September, 2024
    The grant scheme for the Circular Economy in SMEs is extended
  15. 30 August, 2024
    Meeting of OEB with the Cyprus Women Bi-communal Coalition (CWBC)
  16. 30 October, 2023
    OEB Circular: CHANGE in the increase of contributions rates to the Social Insurance Fund effective from 1/1/2024
  17. 5 May, 2023
    Announcement of the 17th OEB Cyprus Innovation Award Competition
  18. 28 April, 2023
    Returning to work after Long COVID Syndrome – Advice and Recommendations for Employees, Employers and Organisations
  19. 21 February, 2023
    Meeting of OEB’s leadership with the newly elected President of the Republic
  20. 21 February, 2023
    OEB leadership honored the President of the Republic Mr. Nicos Anastassiades


The Cyprus Employers & Industrialists Federation (OEB) is the most representative national employer organization, politically independent, with a mission to promote and support the benefits of Cypriot businesses in Cyprus, in the European Union (EU) and internationally.


OEB is recognized by all official bodies, committees, councils, forums and institutions, as the leading institution and voice of Cypriot businesses. The statutory objectives of OEB include the continued economic and social progress of Cyprus, the country’s participation in decision-making bodies in the EU that affect the economy, the promotion of private initiative, the promotion of innovation, gender equality and female entrepreneurship and leadership, as well as to guide and assist businesses in achieving complete professionalism, become competitive and socially responsible.



📰 Οικονομικός Φιλελεύθερος @philenewscy (26/01/2025):
“Η υπερ-ρυθμιστική πίεση της ΕΕ: Εμπόδιο για Ανάπτυξη Μικρομεσαίων Επιχειρήσεων“.
✍️ Άρθρο του Λειτουργού, Τμήμα Επιχειρηματικής Ανάπτυξης ΟΕΒ, @papadalexandros κ. Αλέξανδρου Παπαδόπουλου.

Image for twitter card

Οικονομικός Φιλελεύθερος (26/01/2025): "Η υπερ-ρυθμιστική πίεση της ΕΕ: Εμπόδιο για Ανάπτυξη...

Οικονομικός Φιλελεύθερος (26/01/2025): “Η υπερ-ρυθμιστική πίεση της ΕΕ: Εμπόδι...


📰 Οικονομικός Φιλελεύθερος (19/01/2025):
“Ο Οδικός Χάρτης της Κύπρου προς την Πράσινη Μετάβαση”.
✍️ Άρθρο του Ανώτερου Λειτουργού, Τμήμα Ενέργειας και Περιβάλλοντος ΟΕΒ @Payianotis κ. Παναγιώτη Καστανιά.

Image for twitter card

Οικονομικός Φιλελεύθερος (19/01/2025): "Ο Οδικός Χάρτης της Κύπρου προς την Πράσινη Μετάβαση" -...

Οικονομικός Φιλελεύθερος (19/01/2025): “Ο Οδικός Χάρτης της Κύπρου προς την ...


Το 2003 αρχίζει το διήμερο πρόγραμμα κατάρτισης της ΟΕΒ σε συνεργασία με την ΑνΑΔ για γυναίκες επιχειρηματίες με θέμα «Ο ρόλος της γυναίκας ηγέτη στο σύγχρονο επιχειρηματικό περιβάλλον».

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