2024 EU-Egyptian Investment Conference on the 29th and 30th of June 2024

Κοινοποιείται πιο κάτω ειδοποίηση από το Εμπορικό Κέντρο της Πρεσβείας της Κύπρου στο Κάιρο.


As the Investment Conference is approaching really fast, the Cyprus Trade Center of the Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Cairo (CTC Cairo) wishes to inform you of the following updates:


  1. For representatives of Cypriot companies and/or of organizations, that already have registered through the process laid in the previous communication, you must have received two emails from the Business Country Desk (BCD- notify@bcdesk.eu ), which is  the official platform for managing your B2B meetings during the Egypt-EU Investment Conference: Matchmaking Event, to be held from 2024-06-29 to 2024-06-30 in Cairo – Egypt.
  1. The first email is to set a secure password SET YOUR PASSWORD for your account.
  2. And the second email click on the BOOK YOUR B2B MEETINGS link through it you can now browse the catalogue of participants and begin scheduling your B2B meetings.
  1. For Cypriot companies that have not yet registered for participating in the Investment Conference, please be advised that the deadline for registration is the 17th of June 2024.

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